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Ethical business practices
Hyve is committed to being an ethical business and takes steps to ensure this is extended throughout the business. Below is a brief overview of some of the measures we have in place.

The giving or receiving of gifts and hospitality can build understanding and expand relationships in everyday business life, but it can also cause a conflict of interest between personal interest and professional duty. Inappropriate gifts and hospitality may erode the confidence and trust of others in Hyve’s business decisions, management and Hyve itself, or appear to be unfair to other stakeholders.
- Gifts over the value of £150 (or local currency equivalent) must be reported to the Head of Business Unit or Country Manager concerned who will ensure it is recorded in the Gifts Register and decide if it may be kept or not.
- Entertainment may only be offered or accepted in the ordinary course of business provided it is reasonable and not excessive and neither influences the recipient’s objectivity nor could be construed as a means to make the recipient feel obligated.
We require our individual employees, agents, sponsors, intermediaries, consultants or any other people or bodies associated with Hyve or any of our subsidiaries and employees to comply with the above principles and to put in place procedures that will assist and enable them to do so, and expects all its employees to act in accordance with them.
Financial donations are not permitted to political parties anywhere in the world.
We are committed to free and fair competition and will compete strongly but honestly complying with all local competition laws.
We will not condone the offering or receiving of bribes or other such facilitating payments to any person or entity for the purpose of obtaining or retaining business or influencing political decisions.
The confidentiality of information received in the course of business will be safeguarded and respected, and never used for personal gain. False information will not be given in the course of commercial negotiations.
Any personal interest, which may prejudice, or might reasonably be deemed by others, to prejudice the impartiality of employees must be formally declared to a senior manager.